A New Song

Psalm 98.1 pronounces “Sing a new song to the Lord.”

Sing a new song to the Lord;
he has done wonderful things!
By his own power and holy strength
he has won the victory.
Psalm 98:1, Good News Translation

I like the thought of the “new song.” When you have been living your life a certain way for a long time, allowing yourself only to think along certain grooves, out of sync with the Heavenly Father, the day will inevitably come when you feel you’ve landed in “a horrible pit”, Psalm 40:2. Amazingly, our incredible God Who never tires in His love towards us stands waiting to lift us to higher ground, “establish (our) steps”, (verse 2) and “put a new song in (our) mouth”, (verse 3).

As you follow my journey in the course of this blog, you will notice my need for re-learning earlier lessons again and again. Our Teacher is so patient. But each stage of the journey brings us to higher ground.
